Entering a Vehicle Description with an Unknown VIN

If you do not know the VIN, enter UNK in the VIN field (optional). Enter the Year, the Make, and (optionally) the Model or a partial Model name. Either select the Select Model button from the toolbar, or press Enter from the Model field. You get a Vehicle Selection dialog box. Highlight a Model.

The Vehicle Type, Body Style, and Engine will fill. Continue, and record the remaining attributes of the vehicle. The program enters the vehicle into the workfile. The parts shown in the Estimate will reflect the vehicle you choose. If no Assigned Vehicle is present, the Assigned Vehicle information will be blank if you select the Compare button.

To enter a vehicle description with an unknown VIN

  1. Open or create the workfile.
  2. Select the Vehicle tab, and then select the Description tab.
  3. Enter UNK in this field (optional).
  4. Select the type of vehicle from the Type droplist.
  5. Enter the Year.
  6. Enter the Make, or choose it from the droplist. You can type a partial string of the make. If the partial string identifies a unique Make, it will be selected.
  7. Enter the Model name or a partial Model name (optional), and then select the Select Standard Vehicle button.
  8. Select the correct vehicle from the Select Standard Vehicle dialog box.
  9. Record any remaining attributes of the vehicle.


Workfile - Vehicle Description Tab

Screen Description

Vehicle Description Tab Screen







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